Désirée Verstraete
° 1956 Brugge Belgium
St. Andreaslyceum St. Kruis Brugge 'Humanities science' dayschool 6 years
Conservatorium Brugge 'Music and Diction' eveningschool 7 years
Stedelijke Academie Brugge 'Drawing' eveningschool 3 years
Hoger Sint Lukas Instituut Brussel 'Sculpture' dayschool 4 years
Rijksacademie Anderlecht 'Stonecarving' eveningschool 6 years
V.D.A.B. Haasrode 'Welding' dayschool 6 months
Hoger Sint Lukas Instituut Brussel 'Pedagogical Competence eveningschool 2 years
Rijkshogeschool Kunsten RHOK Brussel 'Silversmithing' eveningschool 6 years
Rijkshogeschool Kunsten RHOK Brussel 'Graphics' eveningschool 1 year
Kunstacademie Tienen 'ceramics' eveningschool 2 years
'Blue Stone' Les Avins Belgium
'Thankapainting' Lekir Ladakh India
'Paperclay' Leuven Belgium
'Glasspaste' Gent Belgium
'Glassbeads' Gent Belgium
'Silverclay' Gent België
'Shodo' (Japanese Calligraphy) Antwerp Belgium
1981 Les Avins Belgium
1982 Praag Czech Republic
1984 'Ligne' Brussel Belgium
1987 'Muntschouwburg' Brussel Belgium
1987 'Rocca 6' Torino Italy
1987 'Deutches Architekturmuseum' Frankfurt Germany
1988 ' La Vilette' Parijs France
1989 'Fondation D’Architecture' Moderne Brussel Belgium
1991 'Galerij 32/20' Aarschot Belgium
1991 'The Tyrone Guthrie Centre' Ireland
1992 'Vlaams Theater Instituut Brussel' Belgium
VARIOUS 1993-2022
- several exhibitions each year in private houses in many places in Belgium
- participation exhibition 'love-hate-fear-suicide' University VUB Brussel Belgium
- participation exhibition 'Oggetti e Persona' Centrodomus Milaan Italy
- participation exhibition and nomination 'Schelde en Zee' Academie Antwerpen Belgium
- participation exhibition video-installation Stuc Leuven Belgium
- first price for Art Poster dancefestival Klapstuc Leuven Belgium
- participation renovation ceiling-paintings Nationale Opera De Munt Brussel Belgium
- design and realisation furniture stand and catalog ITCB Belgium
- decoration for textitilespromotion Perspectives Belgium
- design and realisation textiledecoration Girmes Germany
- design and realisation EYEWEAR INTERNATIONAL Belgium
- design and realisation presentation stand for het Vlaams Theater Instituut Belgium
- design poster and catolog “HEARTBEAT” International Dance- and theaterfestival ..festival Vooruit Gent Belgium
- design and realisation objects for film Tinus Holthuis Rotterdam The Netherlands
- painting for ' Schatten van het Museum- Museum Midden Afrika Tervuren Belgium
- exhibition jewels Maria Clara Art Point Brussel Belgium
- teaching workshop stonecarving for the engineer architects of university KU Leuven Belgium
- art workshops for children
- exhibition jewels "Maria Clara Art Point" Brussels Belgium
- exhibition jewels Nathalie Engels shop Gent Belgium
- participation Kunstroute Jette
- participation Kunstroute Hoegaarden
1982'Roelof Hartplein 4' (regie Paul Peyskens) Stuc Leuven Belgium
1985 'Corpo Di Barragio' (regie Hilt De Vos) Eigentijds Podium Antwerpen Belgium
1987 'Uber Die Dörfer' (regie Jos Verbist) Arca Gent Belgium
1988 'Trilogie Van Het Weerzien' (regie Guy Cassiers) K.U.Leuven Theaterwetenschappen Belgium
1992 'Les Pêcheurs de Perles' (regie Corina Van Eyck) Opera Forum Enschede The Netherlands
1993 'The Rake’s Progress' (regie Corina Van Eyck) Het Verona Van Westellingenwerf Spanga the Netherlands
1997 'Lovers in het lover'( regie Willy De Boeck) Schooltheater H Hart college Tervuren Belgium
1980 scholarship for young artists 'Ministerie Van Cultuur' Belgium
1991 scholarship as Belgian participant for cultural exchange with Ireland 'European Commission'
1993 scholarship participating exhibition at and from ' the Tyron Guthrie Centre Ireland
Teaching Visual Art To Children
H Hartcollege Tervuren Belgium 4 Years
Sint Pieterscollege Leuven Belgium 20 Years